twinstick shooter
this is a project I did at the end of the first year with 1 other dev and 2 artists.
for this “final assignment” we had 5 weeks to make a twinstick shooter.
jetpack joyflight
I made this project in the third period of the first year.
here the assignment was to make a one button game in one week. I went for a kind of jetpack joyride but in 3d and with a real jetpack instead of a minigun
3D parcour puzzle game
I made this project in the third period of the first year.
for this game the assignment was to make a first person game with a little parcour and using a polygon asset pack. during this assignment we also received an explanation about AI and I thought it would be fun to integrade this with some kind of puzzle.
VR projects
I have made 4 little VR games too get more experience with VR.
the first game is an archery range.
the second is a tiny cimbing park
the third is an evauation sim.
and the last is a border police type game.