Bart Verschuur

i am Bart Verschuur a game developer in training at the grafisch lyceum utrecht.

I’m an introvert. I like gaming and also the making of games. I also like anything that involves robots or AI because I am very intrested in every aspect of robots and AI.


here are my experiences with different engines and languages

  • Unity: i have been using unity for school for about ~2.5/3 years now.
  • c#: same story as unity been using it for about ~2.5/3 years.
  • unreal: I have used unreal to make one vr game when i was doing an alternate course for my studie. And I’m currentlly working on another project in unreal.
  • blueprints: when i was working with unreal i used blueprints for the coding.
  • C++: I have done a little in c++ and it is still a pretty big mistery for me
  • Python: I have used python to set up a little local server to host whisperAI.

boskoop, netherlands